Virtual CD FS

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Thank you for choosing Virtual CD File Server Edition. Virtual CD FS expands the classic Virtual CD program by a number of features that turn a file server into a full-fledged CD-ROM server solution—without requiring additional hardware.

As a supplement to the standard Virtual CD documentation, the following describes the additions to, and special features in, the FS edition as well as the differences between FS and the classic Virtual CD edition. Like the main documentation, this manual can either be read straight through for a close look at how the program works and how you can work with it, or used as a reference for looking up specific points as you need them. The information provided here is divided into the following sections:

Introduction – Provides an overview and general information.
Installation – Describes the procedures for installing and configuring your Virtual CD FS program on a file server.
Virtual CD FS Step by Step – Explains special features that are particular to the FS edition and gives step-by-step instructions for distributing virtual CDs over a network.



This documentation describes the special functions that are available only in the File Server Edition of Virtual CD. For details on features that are available both in the basic Virtual CD program and in the FS edition, please refer to the standard Virtual CD documentation.



This documentation was written on the basis of a full Virtual CD FS version installed on Windows Server 2008. If you use a different operating system or have already changed some of the Virtual CD settings, the windows displayed and the controls available may not be the same as those shown here.



The examples given in this documentation often describe only one of several possible methods for executing a particular task. Once you know your way around the program, you may find other techniques for activating the functions you need.



Some of the instructions in this manual refer to administrative functions in a Windows network. The reader is presumed to be familiar with these functions in the network in which Virtual CD FS is installed. If you have any questions about these administrative functions, please refer to the documentation on your network system.