Virtual CD knowledge base

Tags VirtualCD.V9 VirtualCD.V8 VirtualCD.V7 VirtualCD.V6 VirtualCD.V10 VirtualCD.NMS

How can I create a Client Setup with Virtual CD?

With Virtual CD v6 and higher you have the possibiliy of creating adapted Client Setups.

Start the assistent for creation of Client Setups over the Toolbox and follow the directions of the Configuration Wizard.

Please make sure that the Client Setup is created on a machine which has the recent full setup installed. Clients which have been updated by an update setup do not contain the recent client setup files! You can request a download link for the recent full setup here:

With Virtual CD v8 and higher there is the possibility of defining all folders in the Client Setup.
Please observe that you cannot create a client setup with the demo versions of Virtual CD v8 and higher!

Hint: If you have several license keys, you don't necessarily have to create several different Client Setups if all Client Setups contain the same components. In the file CLNTPROFILE.VCD of the Client Setup the license key is stored under VCDLicenseKey. This can be replaced later with a different license key.
If you use Virtual CD NMS, you can manage the licenses over NMS, so that no license key is necessary locally!
Virtual CD NMS v9 and higher additionally provide a client distribution program.

You can find more information in the manuals.

Article #1373 | 05/26/06 | Hartmut Mäcker