Virtual CD - Virtualize All of Your Optical Media

Virtualize your CDs, DVD, HD DVDs and Blu-ray Discs and get the fastest possible access to your data, both locally and over the network

Virtual CD creates images of your optical media, so you can use them at any time without having the physical medium on hand.
You get maximum availability of your data, while lost, damaged and stolen media become a thing of the past.


June 18, 2024 | Welcome to H+H Software GmbH
New faces in sales and support and congratulations to our trainee

February 29, 2024 | HAN | Certified barrier-free accessibility for the end user front end
The BIK reviewed the HAN A-Z list in February 2024 and confirmed its accessibility.

Virtual CD supports:

Windows Versions 10, 8, 7, XP