The Virtual CD support forum


Burn Audible book via iTunes

I am running into exactly the same issue that is in another forum post. When following steps to burn a playlist for an Audible book, I am not prompted for multiple CD's. The issue is the same, and is the same setting as what is found in this post:

If I am able to successfully burn to virtual cd's I will quite happily purchase.

Burn Audible book via iTunes

Afaik there are no news on this issue. Did you try the Sound File Mode or how did you try to burn?

burn audible via itunes

yes - this is burning via sound file mode --- same settings as in the post I mentioned ... suggestion to create a sound file several hours long (many free audio utilities will allow you to do this) --then try to burn it via play list in itunes

Long files in Sound File Mode

I tried an MP3 file with 1:47 hour and burnt it to disk with iTunes 11 in Sound File Mode without any problem. The large file has been split after 806 MB, the rest has been created to the next folder.

burn audible via itunes

I created an mp3 file that is really long, added it the a playlist and it does split into multiple folders as I could expect. It doesn't do so if I try to burn the audible book. I don't know if you're product is going to allow me to do this or not.

Burn Audible book via iTunes

As far is I can see this problem is due to iTunes: We simply "burn" what we get. The file splitting is done (or not) by the burning software.

Maybe you should try another program which is able to burn audible files to disk, e.g. MediaMonkey or Nero.

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